Sub-State Planning Districts

Regional Transportation Planning Organizations (RTPOs), Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs), and Sub-State Planning Districts play crucial roles in regional planning and development. They work to improve transportation systems, coordinate planning efforts, and ensure that transportation investments align with regional needs and goals.

RTPOs (Regional Transportation Planning Organizations

RTPOs are designed to support transportation planning in rural and less densely populated areas. They focus on identifying regional transportation needs and coordinating projects across multiple jurisdictions.

  • Primary Functions:

    • Conducting regional transportation studies.

    • Developing long-range transportation plans.

    • Coordinating between local governments and state agencies.

MPOs (Metropolitan Planning Organizations

MPOs are responsible for transportation planning in urbanized areas with populations over 50,000. They ensure that transportation projects and policies are data-driven and meet the needs of rapidly growing metropolitan areas.

  • Primary Functions:

    • Creating metropolitan transportation plans and programs.

    • Allocating federal transportation funds.

    • Ensuring public involvement in transportation planning.

Sub-State Planning Districts

Sub-State Planning Districts provide planning and development support on a more localized scale within states. They assist with various planning functions including economic development, land use, and infrastructure projects.

  • Primary Functions:

    • Facilitating local and regional economic development.

    • Supporting land use and infrastructure planning.

    • Coordinating with state and local governments on development initiatives.